They were later retextured and reused in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

They were most likely cut in mid-development, as they cannot get damaged and have somewhat compressed textures.

These were meant to be part of the game world. The "Civillian"(sic) marking was put there to distinguish the leftover Patriot from the in-game Patriot that is reserved for military use. Civillian Patriot: Yet another leftover vehicle from GTA III.Definitely a leftover since it is based on a early 90's sedan in GTA III. Kuruma: Leftover vehicle from GTA III.

Dodo: Leftover Cessna-style plane from GTA III.Train: Leftover transportation system from GTA III.Replaced with VCPD equivalent of Maverick. Police Helicopter: Leftover helicopter from GTA III that appeared on an early screenshot.The formula was vastly improved with new weapons, further customization, and even more big-name voice actors. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is a prequel to Grand Theft Auto III, taking place in the 1980s. Scrapped Well-Stacked Pizza Place in Washington Beach.Unfinished car dealer shop oddity in Downtown Vice City.Unused trash can prop which would later appear in Vice City Stories.Unused broken bridge model assigned to Vice Point.Patrol Investment Group ped model oddity.